About us

we the Bat Green UG are a young, modern company founded in 2018. We are convinced of our product and want to make it accessible to the German market and now the distribution and trade with bat fertilizer and would like to start this Germany-wide distribution.

We are the first company that is run as a third country as a manufacturer and have managed to meet the guidelines and requirements that will be the first German company (importer) to implement them in the equipment lists.
Natural fertilizers are in vogue because they protect the environment and health. Compared to other natural fertilizers, bat fertilizer has a better balance of essential nutrients and a higher number of microorganisms. Fruits and vegetables grow more productive, mature earlier and get a particularly intense flavor.

Bat fertilizer is 100% organic. It is characterized by a rich composition of macro- and microelements as well as enzymes. The guano contains high levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Due to its high phosphate content it promotes rooting and contributes to the strengthening of the immune system of the plants. The urea contained in the bat guano gives the plants an immediate nitrogen boost, while the chitin remains of the insect wings and armor only gradually supply the plants with nitrogen through the decomposition process in the soil. Due to the gradual release of the rich minerals a burning of the plant roots is almost impossible or very much reduced here. Experts have confirmed that even small amounts of this fertilizer lead to a higher yield. Even barren, sandy soils enriched with small amounts of bat guano showed positive overwhelming results.
We also see a further advantage over the use of pesticides in agriculture, which causes great damage to nature and fauna, as well as to the production of bees and bird species (which are threatened with extinction). In addition to affecting honey, these toxins also affect insects' nervous system and their natural ability to orient, and can affect their lifespan and reproduction and, as natural food sources, revert to foraging for dependent animals / insects.

We could counteract this as co-responsible for nature and our environment together, and help to rebuild at least the direction to develop.

Our goal is to show our fellow human beings a way to feed healthier and that starts with the care and support or re-development of the natural. That starts with the nature and the cultivation of fruits and vegetables. When the soil is back on the natural path Healthy, the harvest can only be healthy.

We are convinced and live this too and support in our region as far as our fellow human beings, our goal is to bring nature and us back into balance, as well as the BIO to meet again and move our fellow human beings to do so BIO the better and future alternative is for your own health and that of nature.
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